Thursday 5 May 2011

The eagle

I went to see this film in Peckham with my friend Sean, who had chosen it specially, as he likes Roman stuff. It's billed as an historical epic film, set in the year 140 AD ( remember that one?). I have to say that Roman history is not really my cup of tea, but I did find it pretty engaging, mainly because about half of the film is set in Scotland (aka Caledonia) and it's set around the relationship between a roman commander (Channing Tatum - crazy name, crazy guy!!) and his slave (Jamie Bell). Indeed I gather from wikipedia that some of the filming took place in Achiltibuie, a small village in Wester Ross, near Ullapool. My parents spent their honeymoon in Achiltibuie and have returned there practically every year for 48 years. It's a beautiful, peaceful part of the world that I get to all too rarely.

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